What I’ve Been Up To
This blog post outlines what I have been doing for the last 7 months or so. Enjoy.

Steps for Starting a New Business - Weasel Tail Enterprises
Keith Lefthand is a member of the Stoney Nakoda First Nation. We offer First Nations education, experiences, and activities. Keith and I set up Weasel Tail Enterprises Inc. offering education, experiences, and activities from a First Nation’s perspective. In this blog post, I want to outline the steps that I went through to set up the business and get it operational.

Marketing Strategies During COVID-19 Pandemic
In this blog I discuss various marketing strategies to consider during the COVID-19 pandemic. There are four different approaches based on maintaining or gaining market share and low or high interaction with customers. Whether one chooses to relax, remind, engage, or expand their marketing efforts depends on factors like industry, cash flow, and market response.

7 Ways to Prove that You are an Awesome Marketer and Fool Everyone
In this blog I talk about seven tactics to appear as an exceptional marketer, including insisting on expertise, using impressive jargon, and more.

Awesome Billboard by TanglePools.com
I noticed billboards along the highway during visits to my dad in Edmonton, finding most uninteresting until I saw one by TanglePools.com, breaking the conventional shape with a sample pool. It caught my attention, though I'm not in the market for a pool.

Outstanding Ways to Get More Referrals
Learn how to boost your referrals with these simple strategies.

Should Marketing be Efficient or Effective?
Efficiency or Effectiveness? This, of course, is the age-old question. But I have an opinion which I will share later. To start with let’s explore what is meant by efficiency and effectiveness when it comes to marketing and how these are measured.

Is the Marketing Funnel Porous?
Marketers and sales professionals often talk about understanding and using a “marketing funnel”. This phrase is so ingrained into our day-to-day language that we assume that our language reflects reality. But maybe this isn’t the case. Maybe it isn’t a funnel - maybe it is more like a sieve.

Which Trade Show Performs Better - January or March?
Analyzing our client's performance at two trade shows, the January event showed better metrics in cost per lead and booked sales, while March excelled in booked revenue. Both have merits, and further investigation is needed to determine the best course of action.

An Endless Stream of Referrals
Want referrals? Give value, not self-promotion. Be unique, like Craig Elias with his orange shirt. Ask for referrals often. Stay connected via social media, blogs, and newsletters. Interested in Revenue Catalyst? Let's chat.

Marketing Must Establish a Beachhead
I’m sure you have read similar articles but before you rush away - Don’t. Hang around because I have 2 suggestions that you may not have read or heard about. Of course, these tips are at the end of the article, so you have to read all the way through - don’t skip to the end.

Measuring The Impact Of Gift Cards
Gift cards are a multi-billion dollar business in Canada and the U.S., and their popularity is still on the rise. Gift cards are not only popular with consumers — businesses are adding them to their marketing mix, and for good reasons.

eNewsletters are Still a Strong Way to Connect with Prospects and Customers
Are eNewsletters still relevant? Here's why they matter: staying connected with customers, maintaining brand visibility, and delivering informative content directly to opted-in subscribers.

Marketing Channel or Marketing Campaign: What's the Difference?
This brings me to the topic of differentiating between a marketing channel and a marketing campaign. Most likely the idea of comparing a channel to a campaign is elementary for most marketers. However, not everyone is familiar with all the terms that we sling around in marketing meetings. So I thought I would elaborate.

Target Markets: Audience, Listeners, Followers and Buyers
As technology changes, so does the way we look at and interact with target markets. It’s not that buyers and segments of buyers have changed - those are still the same. What has changed is how we send out messages, how customers find us and how we interact with our Audience.

What is Your Marketing/Sales Funnel?
Our marketing funnel, or what we like to call it "Customer Acquisition Funnel", has 5 levels starting with Impressions and ending with Outcomes.

Marketing or Sales: What to Do?
Most companies have limited cash available to invest in growing revenue. A typical choice is between investing in marketing or sales efforts. You need marketing to improve the strength of the brand and improve awareness. And most companies (except eCommerce-enabled sites) need a person to "close the deal".