Marketing Strategy - Free Session

The Hook

The difference between strategy and tactics has puzzled me for a long time.

I want to share what I have figured out.

It’s simple.

Once you know - you know.

But until you know - you don’t know.

The Short Answer

Strategy involves making critical decisions related to marketing.

Tactics are marketing actions to make the strategy a reality.

A Plan is what the company says it is going to do.

But there’s more to it.

(Of course)

A Free Session

On Tuesday, November 19th I’ll share some of what I have learned.

This session is free.


I’m not going to share all the secrets in this session.

You are just going to get a teaser like this:

Or this:

The Longer Workshop

If you like what you hear in the free session, I’ll invite you to join me for a longer more in-depth workshop.

I’ll have about 25 more slides on relevant topics for discussion.

Everyone will get a chance to learn and share.

The fee for this session will be $199.



Imagine the return on that investment.

If you learn something and make an additional $10,000, the ROI is nearly 5000%.

Freaking amazing!

Almost unbelievable.

But it’s TRUE!

The Catch

Nothing is that simple.

You could get an ROI of 5000%.

The catch is that you need to do the following:

  • You have to attend

  • You have to pay attention

  • You have to learn

  • You have to develop a strategy

  • You have to figure out the tactics

  • You will need a plan

  • And a budget

  • And you have to implement everything.

No easy task.

But you have to start somewhere.

So you might as well start with the free strategy session.


Acton Central - New Private School


Step 5 - The Marketing Statement: Let’s Take A Look at Tukaluk