Are you thinking about writing a book? Have a look at these workshops.

Here is a list of upcoming sessions and workshops in Calgary related to writing a book. If you are thinking about writing a book in 2019, you should consider attending one of these sessions. Pick the one that fits your needs at this time.

Malcolm Saunders is hosting this session: So You Want to Write a Book...

He owns Light Cellar - a great health food store that is like no other.

I attended this session in the Fall - excellent, and well worth the $30.

Denise Summers is hosting this session: Write NOW! Business book-writing workshop

This starts on Jan 18, 2018

Lyn Cadence who is hosting this session: Publishing Means Business: Finish Writing Your Non-Fiction Book & Promote It... I’ll be attending this workshop on Jan 25 and 26, 2019.


The Books I Read in 2018


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