What the World Needs is a New Browser - Vivaldi

Seriously. I thought we had enough Internet browsers. I use 3 on a regular basis. I use Chrome as my main working browser. I log in using my work ID. I use Firefox to access client-related programs like our CRM (Solve 360), Google Analytics, and Google AdWords. Up until today, I was using Microsoft Edge to log into my personal email. 

But today I heard about a new browser program called Vivaldi. You can read a long article by Fast Company here. So far the advantages that I see are:

1. Fast loading time

It's fast. Enough said.

2. Panels

This feature is loaded from the left-side toolbar. Essentially, you can open up another "tab" and view another website. I'm often looking at 2 different websites or programs at the same time. In the screenshot below you can see that I have opened up our website in the panel and I'm also looking at our tool, SEO-Browser on the right side. This is much simpler to set up than opening a new tab and resizing everything to fit on the screen. There is no "search" capability in the panel - you have to know the exact URL of the website you want to look at which feels strange. And you can't pop the panel out to be a tab or a new window. That would be nice.

3. Lot of Customization

There is easy access to Settings and lots of options to customize your experience. I haven't tried all the settings. But what I have seen looks great. In contrast to Chrome, this program is feature-rich. There is a lot to play with. Kinda interesting and fun.

Give it a try. Let me know what you think.


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